Feminine Figure Plexiglass Artwork | Andrew Martin Just In Time


SKU: ANDACC4986 Categories:,


An ethereal, dreamlike artwork by Andrew Martin depicting a female figure as she seems to be suspended below the surface of the water. Watery turquoise shades provide a pleasing contrast with the model’s auburn hair and ribbons of fabric trail around her. Printed onto smooth plexiglass this mesmeric piece is part of our ongoing collaboration with Cobra Art.

  • Small:
    W39 x D1 x H39 in | W100 x D3 x H100 cm
  • Medium:
    W47 x D1 x H47 in | W120 x D3 x H120 cm
  • Large:
    W59 x D1 x H59 in | W150 x D3 x H150 cm
  • Material | Plexiglass
  • Production time: 6-8 Weeks

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